Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sneak peek.... Mr. G, 5 days old

all of these perfect newborns are not really helping my husband's argument to not have any more babies. i come home all gooey and happy, gushing about these perfect little beings. i think i'll have to bring him with me to a newborn shoot one time, maybe then i can get him on my side. this little guy was just the sweetest... not one peep (or pee, thanks buddy!) the whole time. i probably could have stayed there all day but i didn't want to push my luck and have him hate me for his 6 month photo shoot... geez, can you imagine how cute he's going to be then with all that great hair???
mama, as usual, looked flippin' awesome and once again i couldn't bring myself to hate her because she's happens to also be nice and fun and all together un-hateable. geez, some people have it all...

without futher ado... Prince G....

look at the little smile while he's all cozied up next to mama... awww....

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