Saturday, November 21, 2009

Sneak peek.... The L family...

I woke up this morning to my two boys in SUPER foul moods.... sometimes I'm sad to leave my boys but today was definitely an exception! My boys foul moods definitely set these two boys up for success- they seriously would have had to burn a forest down for me to think they were being bad. :) Just let that be a reminder to those that are scared of how their kiddos are going to act during a photo session with me... compared to my little hellions, your kids can do no wrong. ;)

On that note, these two definitely gave me a run for my money as is always the case with kiddos their age. Mr. J, the big brother, was such a ham today... he thought he was in a GAP ad with the moves he was pulling. Mr. M was not so much in the mood for my antics today but with a little work, I was able to get some great ones of him as well. Look at those blue eyes and cheeks though- he would have had to light the forest on fire AND throw me in it to get on my bad side. What a doll baby.

Kudos to mom for the wardrobe choices... super well coordinated without being matchy-matchy. Gold star for the day mama!

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