Thursday, November 12, 2009

Sneak peek... Mr. D, 8 days old...

it's been a while since i had a feisty newborn, i was getting quite smug in my newborn techniques. ;) this little one was wide awake and ready to party!

this was the little guy when i arrived, super alert and aware of his surroundings...

after a while, we were able to get him to sleep for a short time... with the help of mom filling him up and dad taking him for a couple trips around the block! :) seriously, this little one wasn't going down without a fight- all of the shushing and rocking and swaying didn't even phase him.

all in all, i got some great shots of the little peanut... and like i tell my boys ALL the time, "it's a good thing you're so handsome..." and in his case, sweet smelling and mini and perfect... because everyone loves you just the same, even if you scream all day long. :)

11 month old "big brother" tyson was not amused...

ps- i hope little man tired himself out so you guys could enjoy the bears game in peace. :)

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