Monday, December 21, 2009

Sneak peek... official introduction of Mr. L, now 13 days old

Well we didn't get the "perfect" day that I'd hoped for... but December in the Chicago-land area is rarely PERFECT! :) It was cloudy but at least it wasn't the dense fog that we had last time. I could work with this lighting for sure!
The stars definitely aligned for this shoot today though, I must say. Mr. L still wasn't a very deep sleeper, but we were able to get him to sleep a bit faster today. Big sister Miss O, was already familiar with me so was happy to take some photos when baby brother was having his feeding break. She didn't love the idea of holding a squawking baby but did very well regardless... and she was much more lively once mom was holding him during the family photos. :)
I love the neutral color palette of this session... very classic and timeless. Oh, ok, I did have to throw a wee bit of red in, just because it's that time of year!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

To be continued....

I was supposed to have a newborn session with this adorable little guy yesterday.... driving there I realized that it was QUITE foggy but I was thinking I could probably make the amount of light work for one little guy. The first little bit went ok thanks to some good sized windows in his nursery. Mr. L needed a little snack before I was going to be able to get him into that super deep sleep stage... unfortunately during his snack break it got even darker and I felt that if I kept going, I just might not be able to deliver the caliber images that I want for my client. So, as much as it pained me because I just love this super tiny stage, I suggested we reschedule ASAP and hope for a little more light from Mother Nature. Here is a small glimpse at the handsome Mr. L and you'll be seeing more next Monday!

Photography..... you are loved from head to toe

Monday, December 14, 2009

Sneak peek.... Miss E, 2 months

This isn't an age that I normally photograph because as all photographers know, it's just a notoriously hard age to capture well. I didn't want to turn this mom away though because when their daughter was born they had a hard time finding a newborn photographer that fit their needs. I'm so glad I gave it a shot because Miss E was beautiful and happy and really made it a breeze. It was so neat to capture the bond between this family of 3... the love between them is obvious in these photos and I hope they cherish them for a lifetime.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Sneak peek... Mr. T, 9 days old

Have I ever mentioned that I love my job? Especially when it means I get to snuggle adorable little babies...?? :)

This little man had a bit of a tough time falling asleep but hardly made a fuss about it even though he was most definitely having some pooping issues... Sorry T, I promise that's the last time I'll talk about your poop publicly. ;) I'll only talk about nice things like how you have the BEST creamy skin and the most perfect little features.

It's only day 9 but he seems to have just the sweetest personality... big brother is awfully sweet so it looks like he'll probably follow in his footsteps. I'm looking forward to seeing you grow during your first year and seeing the handsome toddler you will no doubt become!

And one of the brothers... big brother did an AMAZING job handling his wee little brother!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

working on....

i'm working on this session right now and have been cracking up the whole time. four year olds are just the weirdest little beings... i know because i live with one. but can you imagine having TWO?? i have a lot of respect for this mama for remaining sane for the last four years! ;)

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Sneak peek.... a holiday family extravaganza

It was a family affair today at the C family residence... sisters, cousins, kids, babies... we had it all! And we did it all with minimal crying and complaining! A true Christmas miracle! ;)

Lexie, thanks for the AWESOME bloomers... you really are a crafting genius!

Melissa and Paul, thanks for the vino... it shall be enjoyed shortly.

Great seeing you all, as usual.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Sneak peek.... Miss H, 9 months

This bald beauty definitely put Mom and I to work this morning! We had to work for every single smile and poor Mom even got a full upper body workout. :) I have to say that every minute was worth it to capture this beautiful little girl. Going through her images, I was reminded of two things- a baby GAP model with that porcelain skin and beautiful blue eyes... and Brangelina's daughter Shiloh with the fabulous full lips and baby blues. Either way, she's one good lookin' baby.Usually I have a pretty clear idea of the "look" I want a photo to have... but the one below, I loved so much in both color (with a bit of a vintage/texture twist) and b&w that I had to show both.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

can't get enough...

i'm in the middle of working on this session and i can't get enough of this little guy's photos! what a character and such a handsome little fella too!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Photography..... stealth mission....

i love it when people go along with my crazy ideas... the mama to these two cuties is my new BFF.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sneak peek... The G family

Imagine my immediate good feeling about the day when I walk in to a little girl wearing a tutu and butterflies in her hair.... HELLO, my dream outfit for a little princess. Heck, I might even wear it if I could find it in my size. ;) Big brother was too handsome for words and it happened to be his FIFTH birthday! I'm sure he could have thought of 100 better things to do than get his photo taken, but we got along fine and I didn't make him work too hard. Gorgeous mom, handsome dad... what more can I say??