Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Photography..... stealth mission....

i love it when people go along with my crazy ideas... the mama to these two cuties is my new BFF.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sneak peek... The G family

Imagine my immediate good feeling about the day when I walk in to a little girl wearing a tutu and butterflies in her hair.... HELLO, my dream outfit for a little princess. Heck, I might even wear it if I could find it in my size. ;) Big brother was too handsome for words and it happened to be his FIFTH birthday! I'm sure he could have thought of 100 better things to do than get his photo taken, but we got along fine and I didn't make him work too hard. Gorgeous mom, handsome dad... what more can I say??

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Sneak peek.... The L family...

I woke up this morning to my two boys in SUPER foul moods.... sometimes I'm sad to leave my boys but today was definitely an exception! My boys foul moods definitely set these two boys up for success- they seriously would have had to burn a forest down for me to think they were being bad. :) Just let that be a reminder to those that are scared of how their kiddos are going to act during a photo session with me... compared to my little hellions, your kids can do no wrong. ;)

On that note, these two definitely gave me a run for my money as is always the case with kiddos their age. Mr. J, the big brother, was such a ham today... he thought he was in a GAP ad with the moves he was pulling. Mr. M was not so much in the mood for my antics today but with a little work, I was able to get some great ones of him as well. Look at those blue eyes and cheeks though- he would have had to light the forest on fire AND throw me in it to get on my bad side. What a doll baby.

Kudos to mom for the wardrobe choices... super well coordinated without being matchy-matchy. Gold star for the day mama!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Show me your walls!

I'm always curious to know how clients end up displaying their photos in their homes after they receive their prints. A lot of the time, I'm lucky enough to be invited back so I get to see them with my own eyes and that is SUCH a rewarding experience. I thought it would be neat to ask my past clients to take a couple photos of their own showing me how they chose to display their photos. As an incentive, anyone who participates will get a free 8x10 from their session! E-mail your snapshots to lindsay@bellajackson.com

Please submit your photos before 12/15/09.

Can't wait to see what you came up with!

Sneak peek.... Sassy Miss M is 1 year old!!

... sorry Dad, had to do it after all that "Sassy Miss M" talk....

We had some GORGEOUS November weather here today! I was thinking back to her first photo session with me back when she was a wee little thing and it was horribly cold and windy that day... luck was definitely on our side a year later. Delicious coffee was present on both occassions... I love coffee drinkers. :)

Here she was one year ago...

and today....

can't believe i almost forgot 2 family members, sorry jack and stella....

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Sneak peek... Mr. D, 8 days old...

it's been a while since i had a feisty newborn, i was getting quite smug in my newborn techniques. ;) this little one was wide awake and ready to party!

this was the little guy when i arrived, super alert and aware of his surroundings...

after a while, we were able to get him to sleep for a short time... with the help of mom filling him up and dad taking him for a couple trips around the block! :) seriously, this little one wasn't going down without a fight- all of the shushing and rocking and swaying didn't even phase him.

all in all, i got some great shots of the little peanut... and like i tell my boys ALL the time, "it's a good thing you're so handsome..." and in his case, sweet smelling and mini and perfect... because everyone loves you just the same, even if you scream all day long. :)

11 month old "big brother" tyson was not amused...

ps- i hope little man tired himself out so you guys could enjoy the bears game in peace. :)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sneak peek.... Mr. G, 5 days old

all of these perfect newborns are not really helping my husband's argument to not have any more babies. i come home all gooey and happy, gushing about these perfect little beings. i think i'll have to bring him with me to a newborn shoot one time, maybe then i can get him on my side. this little guy was just the sweetest... not one peep (or pee, thanks buddy!) the whole time. i probably could have stayed there all day but i didn't want to push my luck and have him hate me for his 6 month photo shoot... geez, can you imagine how cute he's going to be then with all that great hair???
mama, as usual, looked flippin' awesome and once again i couldn't bring myself to hate her because she's happens to also be nice and fun and all together un-hateable. geez, some people have it all...

without futher ado... Prince G....

look at the little smile while he's all cozied up next to mama... awww....

Monday, November 9, 2009

one more...

one more of this little stinker because she's far too cute!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sneak peek... The M Family....

i just love my clients that i get to work with on a fairly regular basis. watching their kids grow is so neat and it's an honor to be a part of their lives. i just love these two princesses... they look so alike, yet so different in their coloring. such beautiful little girls! lots of giggles and funny noises today ending with some nudies of a roley poley baby... doesn't get much better than that! :)

make sure you click on this one, mama to make it bigger- she's doing the thumb thing. genetics are a funny thing, eh?