Monday, August 31, 2009

Sneak peek... brothers, Mr. J and Mr. M

i had two adorable little boys pay me a visit today. one, very willing to sit and ham it up for me... the other, not so much. i did manage to get some of both boys though (miraculously) and hope that next time, mr. j will listen to his mommy and take a nap. ;)
great seeing you shannon and great meeting your handsome boys finally!!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sneak peek... The G family

well there is no shortage of good looks in this family, that's for certain! wow, what a nice lookin' bunch! we had a busy morning running around in the lovely fall... ummm, summer?... weather. it felt more like late october than late august but we made the most of it and didn't get TOO wet and muddy. thanks for being such good sports today, hope you love your photos so far!

well there is no shortage of good looks in this family, that's for certain! wow, what a nice lookin' bunch! we had a busy morning running around in the lovely fall... ummm, summer?... weather. it felt more like late october than late august but we made the most of it and didn't get TOO wet and muddy. thanks for being such good sports today, hope you love your photos so far!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Thank you Miss T...

a long night of editing tonight, thank goodness for faces like these to make it all seem worth it!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Soccer mama, take II

thanks mrs. m for the awesome paint job and for going along with our goofy idea! :)

It's really unfair...

to look THIS good while pregnant.... it really makes the rest of us non-preggos and preggos alike feel badly about ourselves. especially when this non-preggo knows about your diet during this pregnancy. really, really unfair. ;)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sneak peek... Miss C and Miss T, twin 6 month shoot

these little beauties were the first newborn twins that i had the opportunity to photograph so i was thrilled to hear from their mommy to do their 6 month photos. it's so neat to be able to follow little ones as they grow and change... i'm already looking forward to doing their one year birthday shoot- i can't even imagine how big and adorable they'll be then!

thanks for letting me come over and play today... i was in girl heaven! :)

and one from their newborn shoot so you can see how much they've grown!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Sneak peek... Stacie & Matt, soon to be soccer mom &dad

the soon to be parents are both soccer players, so we had to incorporate a bit of a soccer theme into their maternity session. is it totally inappropriate that when i was looking at these photos i kept thinking, "he shoots... he scores!!"... ummm... yes, sorry, moving on...

the mommy to be is a good friend of mine and i'm just thrilled to bits to see her so happy and excited about starting their family. she is going to be an incredible mom and i can't wait to meet her little princess!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Sneak peek... Mr. H, 9 days old

this little man was determined to stay awake during my whole session with him... in the end, we won out but it wasn't easy, let me tell you! he just didn't want to miss anything or fall deep enough asleep where i could put a silly hat on him... he won that one, no time for silly hats today! :) all in all, i was able to get some great shots and even some "before and after" type shots that i love to do. enjoy the sneak peek, mom and dad... i hope i wore H out and he'll sleep for you tonight!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Sneak peek... Miss E, 18 months

I had a mini session with Miss E today to do her 18 month photos and get to know her and mommy a bit before baby brother arrives within the month. She is the most adorable little thing who will repeat just about anything you say from "awesome" to "absolutely". :) Mom and dad must be on their best behavior these days around this little parrot! She was one busy munchkin but made my day by giving me a big hug about 1/2 way through our session- so sweet! Great meeting you two today and I can't wait to meet baby boy in Sept!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sneak peek... Go Badgers! ... and other teams that shall remain nameless.

sorry guys, you'll have to wait for your private gallery to view the group photo wearing that OTHER teams colors... the green and yellow makes my eyes burn, I wouldn't want to scare any of my blog followers. ;)

thanks for putting up with the heat and being such good sports today! here are a few of my favorites from today... great seeing you all. :)

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Sneak peek... Miss M, 9 months

i just love it when miss m comes over to play... i get to get my girly fix and leave the land of super heroes and spiders and mud (which happen to be my boys' favorites at the moment). she didn't stick her tongue out at me this time but did manage some pretty funny faces, my favorite below...

she had lots of new tricks today... clapping, waving, crawling... she's getting awfully fast so i better get in shape for her one year session!! here are a few favorites...

oh, and one more to show that we did get some big smiles AND a super fun double wave...

Monday, August 3, 2009

Sneak peek... Happy 1st Birthday BZ!

a super quick sneak peek for one of my favorite little guys! happy birthday BZ! i can't believe you're ONE already!! i can't get over his expression when he saw his cake coming! too stinkin' cute!!