Sunday, July 26, 2009

“Remember that children, marriages, and flower gardens reflect the kind of care they get.” H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

I had the pleasure of spending a bit of time with this beautiful family today. It's always amazing and inspiring to see a couple that has been married over 50 years still holding hands, still caring for one another, still laughing at each other's jokes. It really makes the day to day squabbles seem so silly and insignificant when you look at the grand picture of spending a lifetime with someone. I hope these two have many, many more years together tending their gardens and enjoying their wonderful family.


DashaD said...

I love these! Especially the b/w of the whole family and the last one (I'm guessing 4 generations?). Awesome quote, too. I have never heard it before, but it makes perfect sense!

LindsayK8 said...

thanks dasha! yep, 4 generations! so neat.