Monday, December 14, 2009

Sneak peek.... Miss E, 2 months

This isn't an age that I normally photograph because as all photographers know, it's just a notoriously hard age to capture well. I didn't want to turn this mom away though because when their daughter was born they had a hard time finding a newborn photographer that fit their needs. I'm so glad I gave it a shot because Miss E was beautiful and happy and really made it a breeze. It was so neat to capture the bond between this family of 3... the love between them is obvious in these photos and I hope they cherish them for a lifetime.


Sara said...

That last shot with Daddy is PRICELESS!
You did a great job, as usual. Easy to do with such a cute family, I'm sure! :)

LindsayK8 said...

Thanks Sara!! I have to admit, I was totally nervous about this shoot but am thrilled with how they turned out.