Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sneak peek... Mr. L and Mr. T, with Nanny and Grampy (and Mom & Dad too)

To be honest, when my friend Tammy asked if I would take some photos of her boys while her parents (their Nanny & Grampy) were in town, I was a wee bit nervous. You see, my boys are friends with her boys and I know just how much energy they have. And, in her own words, they HATE getting their picture taken. Well, well, they were in the mood to make me look silly and make mom into a liar because they were FANTASTIC today. They put most of my little clients to shame and were perfectly behaved, smiley and cooperative! YAY boys!! I hope you were treated to a HUGE stack of pancakes and bacon and enjoy the rest of your visit with your delightful grandparents.

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