Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sneak peek... The G family

well there is no shortage of good looks in this family, that's for certain! wow, what a nice lookin' bunch! we had a busy morning running around in the lovely fall... ummm, summer?... weather. it felt more like late october than late august but we made the most of it and didn't get TOO wet and muddy. thanks for being such good sports today, hope you love your photos so far!

well there is no shortage of good looks in this family, that's for certain! wow, what a nice lookin' bunch! we had a busy morning running around in the lovely fall... ummm, summer?... weather. it felt more like late october than late august but we made the most of it and didn't get TOO wet and muddy. thanks for being such good sports today, hope you love your photos so far!

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